What I do for self care!

Gemma Galgani Oyesigye
4 min readApr 24, 2020


On reading today’s topic, a lot of thoughts rounded my small head. Questions like What is self Care..?, when and how does self care happen…? and why of all topics are we writing about self care…? lingered in my mind. I could hardly press a finger on the definition in my context or even understand exactly what I do for self care.

Mr google was the solution for me and a friend of mine who gave me an idea. I realised that self care is one thing I do unconsciously. Mr google relates self care to when one is stressed and preserving one’s own health. One other question that comes to me is, must I be stressed to think of self Care?, What if stress is not my portion as a person…..? Well, let me try to think through how I do care for self for good health because this is what I know I do best😀😀.

I grew up without knowing how stress looks like till I lost my first job and a relationship that was not meant to be. Yes, I realised it wasn’t meant to be after serious prayer and fasting. From this statement, You now Know how I do self care- I pray, I seek God, we chat one:one for as long as my heart has received enough peace. Depending on the magnitude of the issue and the direction of the Holy spirit, I will fast. This, heals me, soothes my heart and melts all the fog of stress that will have accumulated.

Listening to Inspirational or Gospel Music and singing is another way I do self care. Because, most of these songs speak exactly what entails life and how you can go through it; I am always driven to play such music. Songs like https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/travisgreene/madeaway.html, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bj-rlGcj8M- He knows my name, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ABWnLjXer10- Spirit Lead me and so many others sweep away all the emotional and mental heat, leaving me in a state of all is well.

Dancing to music as mentioned in my previous blog- 20 facts about me is another way I do self care. Non of you should ever be surprised if you found me dancing in the house alone or wherever good music is being played; surprisingly all my family members (brothers and sisters plus my parents) do love dancing to music. If you met the Barekye Family, speak Music- you will see all strokes coming out as per that song. That is how we do self care.

Now you know!!

Lock down and Quarantine aside, in my normal life, going to a spa or steam bath gives me new life ….Ohhhhh….how I long for it!. The fact that I travel a lot and get tired, I usually look out for moments of relaxation, reflection and medication about my day and that’s the best place for me. Back real life now, I have resorted to evening walks while I appreciate and speak to nature.

Out of my 5 favourite books, I indicated that Attitude is Everything book is that one that slapped reality into my life. From that time, I realised that we create room for stress to over. It is within our power to welcome it, massage it and give it a home in our lives. After learning this, I chose to speak to my self everyday; DO NOT to be stressed about anything! , change your attitude towards what would have stressed you or taken away my peace. That Voice is always clear deep inside me just in case my emotions are being attacked or swayed from their peaceful environment.

I agree that Self Care is very Important and I now know why I needed to write about it………

Now you who has read this blog……..What do you do for self care…?



Gemma Galgani Oyesigye
Gemma Galgani Oyesigye

Written by Gemma Galgani Oyesigye

A social Protection specialist, wife, mother, a Trainer a Realist, a writer, a leader who believes in only YOU being the change YOU want to see

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