We lost, the gadgets won!!!! Part 1
Did you know that of late, ‘your life’ is on your finger tips?
This is what I mean, did you know that your finger tips are getting to an extent of controlling what your heart and mind speaks by the way you use them on that PC, your well guarded gadget that you use for communication on social media?
Our grand parents generation grew up in an era not known for leaps in technological advances. It seemed to be associated with lack of fun, slow communication flow and this forced them to engage in antiquated traditions like going outside, socialising on local beers, listening to radio news or reading. On the upside, living offline allowed them to keep screw-ups to limited audiences. And of course, they also experienced less media nakedness, bullying, anxiety, less pressure to justify who they were, addiction to gadgets and depression.
It is true that the ‘Communication Revolution’ through social media has already changed the landscape of communication , business, education and all spheres of life. Today, we have even gotten to an extent of often perceiving anyone who shuns social media as old, not-serious with life, out dated or out of touch. However, this could mean that we are headed for either tapping blessings or welcoming disaster in our lives. This will only be determined by how you allow to control or be controlled by this world of social media.In reality, most people have little awareness of the frequency with which they check their phones on an hourly basis. Recently, I came across a few sobering stats that made me wonder if the problem is getting worse or we are getting more blessings. Did you know that;
- We tap, swipe, and click on our phones 2,617 times per day (King Online University).
2. The average smartphone owner unlocks their phone 150 times a day (Internet Trends).
3. We use a gadget 10 hours and 39 minutes on average each day (Penn State).
4. 73% of us have experienced anxiety over losing our phones (Harvard).
5. We send or receive 94 texts per day on average (Text Request).
6. 25% of adults wake up to use our phones at night (Wharton).
7. We’re using our phones 20% more often than we did in 2015 (King Online University).
8. 33% of teens bring their phone to bed at night (Wharton).
9. 60% of college students/ young adults say they are addicted to their phones (Baylor).
10. 75% of Americans use their mobile phones on the toilet (Tech Jury).
11. 59% of teens reported moderate exposure to online bullying (Psychology Today).
12. 85% of smartphone users check their phones while speaking with friends and family (Bank My Cell).
13. 87% of Millennials say their smartphone never leaves their side (Zogby).
As you read through, what resonated with you the most — and more importantly, what we can do about it…?
This is concerning because several studies and researchers have associated social media with several opportunities accessibility if used as a tool of work; — like Reaching large audiences, but also with several problems/ challenges if misused or if you allowed it to control you- like psychiatric disorders, including depressive symptoms, anxiety and low self-esteem. Not forgetting ruining all kinds of relationships, masking identities, spreading propaganda, denying you self reflection opportunities, to mention but a few.
I’m saying that facetiously, I admit. I’m slowly becoming an avid tech user and I do see the benefits of using these tools for work. The irony is that, they have become more than tools, It is getting a little more serious that we really like getting micro-feedback which is fuelling our gadget obsessions- making the gadget win.
see you in part 2 of this gadget obsession lessons.