NO situation is Permanent!!

Gemma Galgani Oyesigye
5 min readApr 14, 2023


Ooops!! It’s been 2 years since I was last on this street; wow! time flies, it waits for no man, while we enjoy life, sleep, work, wonder, struggle in the tough economy, battle with challenges like sickness, loneliness, debt and all unbecoming situations in and around us, the clocks’ hand never stops moving. Days must come and go, the sun rises and sets, seasons come and go and everything in its timing happens. Only God doesn’t change, His faithful love and promises stand forever.

For it is written Eccl.3.1 There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: (NIV) and before we know it, that which seemed so exciting or tough, unbecoming, Very hard, strange, unheard-of, unfair, brain draining and a dry spell of issues is actually swept away and a bright day comes, a pillow previously covered by tears of excruciating pain suddenly turns to be your head rest in thanksgiving thoughts, light sweeps the darkness, a gloomy wrinkled face is stretched by a wide smile and the past is gone, joy comes in the morning and a new phase of life begins.

Somethings may not make sense to you now (these deter us from enjoying and understanding the season and moment) and it is true that certain things will never make sense at that very moment when we are drowning in that pool of challenges with the waiting for change being too blurry. It is also true that God can’t allow us to know every reason for every moment/situation, Eccl.3.14b “And God’s purpose in this is that people should fear him”. (NLT) Then we would not fear Him, pray, have faith in Him who is all knowing, powerful, omnipresent, Omnipotent, the Alpha and Omega, He who was and is to come and able to do exceedingly and abundantly beyond what we can ever imagine. Our hope would be lost, our trust in Him quenched and our hunger for Him left in illusive false human promises. Death would then come in quickly leading to living a meaningless life. Just be calm.

Be encouraged and comforted, No situation is permanent. Don’t look at the clock; your gaze at it might make you lose out on the good moment you are destined to enjoy each day. This brings to mind a call I received from one of my prayer partners before Lent season of this year started; “what plan do you have for Lent to have it more different and fruitful?” She asked. I sincerely didn’t have a plan and yet I should have had it. she suggested we try to be more intimate with the Holyspirit so He guides us on how to walk through the season. we agreed to read a book about Holy spirit alongside other books on my read list. Fast forward, the season of intense prayer and fasting started, days passed. 3 weeks down, I realized that the Gemma who didn’t have a clear plan of fasting had had daily fasting due to the Holy spirit promptings and clear direction. 40 days ended in a blink of an eye just because I didn’t focus on counting the days and my obligation as a catholic in lent but enjoyed each day at a time through more meditation on the Word, reflection and discernment along side my day to day activities. Take each day at a time. Kindly Listen to this song, One day at a time sweet Jesus

Let the risen lord come your way my dear friend who is struggling with sickness, debts, work stress, business losses, rent bills, property wrangles, unexplainable pain, unemployment, loss of your loved ones, rejection, failure, confusion, anger, shame, unforgiveness, addictions, loneliness, disappointment, prayerlessness and give you peace, heal your heart, body, family members, shine a ray of hope in your entire life and make you whole.


Your situation is destined for a big purpose/ testimony.

Your winning/ healing story is just beginning, your testimony is being made complete. Your waiting has made a loud alarm in the Lord’s ears, see, He is doing something new, open your inner eyes and see it. Isa.43.19 For I am about to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness for my people to come home. I will create rivers for them in the desert! (NLT)

He is opening doors that no one will shut because you have kept your trust and focus on Him.

Rev.3.8 I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name. (NIV)

Live in the moment, be grateful, it is only the living that win and testify.

Isa.43.18 "Forget about what’s happened; don’t keep going over old history. (MSB)

The risen Lord is with us, He cannot forsake us or forget us. There is no need to defend yourself about anything, He is our defense, our present help in times of need.

Isa.62.1 Regarding Zion, I can’t keep my mouth shut, regarding Jerusalem, I can’t hold my tongue, Until her righteousness blazes down like the sun and her salvation flames up like a torch. (MSB).

You and I are the Zion and Jerusalem.

We are conquerors, winners and Victorious. Isa.62.4 Never again will you be called the Godforsaken City or the Desolate Land. Your new name will be the City of God’s Delight and the Bride of God, for the LORD delights in you and will claim you as his own. (NLT).

Amen…. Amen…. Amen….



Gemma Galgani Oyesigye

A social Protection specialist, wife, mother, a Trainer a Realist, a writer, a leader who believes in only YOU being the change YOU want to see