Magic of LOVE part 2
From the time I got to understand what goes around me, I found my Parents in Love. As I grew up, they still loved each other as I had seen them from start. They did shower us love and they still do it even when we have all grown to adults. I am now an adult, I see them grow more in love with no change from the beginning. 40 years down the road, the salt in their love still tastes the same to us.
One million dollar question is; How did they or how do they do it…..?
while from the stories shared by Mum, if you tickled her to share weren’t bringing out any magic used in their marriage; ………you still could not and up to now can not get it. I believe the answer is deep in their hearts. some cultures would say, Her Senga (the paternal Aunt) did a good job😃. Who knows anyway….?!
This caused so many problems to the so many Nannies we got at home. Fortunately or unfortunately, most of them came home when they were single- young adults who always looked forward to marriage. Living in a home of love birds, watching them everyday live a life of no “challenges”, no exchange of words like most couples do even in front of children, good communication with nice petty names, both being hospitable, prayerful, interdependent, understanding, supportive, so loving to their children but very good disciplinarians and so many attributes; It gave a different picture of marriage as opposed to what they saw either in their homes or in the neighbourhood.
Worse still, most women came home for counselling as they would be overwhelmed by their family issues. Mum was and is still a person they run to as a shock absorb-er. All this was being watched by us in the house. Sometimes, mixed feelings would come in about marriage as one related to the over heard conservation between her and the women that came home; but if anyone asked her, she would say, “marriage is good- Don’t you see how I live with Daddy here…?”
None of us- the children plus the Nanny, knew whatever happened in their bedroom, if it did happen anyway. Bearing in mind that no one is perfect; I do believe my parents have imperfections but none of us saw them in their relationship to-date. They ensured we were protected at all times. This is what you and I have heard before, that most couples have everything solved/sorted in their bedroom or homes, and by the time they step into the living room (this could mean the public too), the best of themselves is what is seen by the world. Just to be clear, Let your nakedness stay sacred😃😍
This picture of marriage that my parents draw in the minds our Nannies and us as children of course was a bed of roses without thorns, a moment of giving and receiving love in full swing, a full package of being appreciated by your spouse, being taken care of by your partner withholding nothing, being available and supportive to each other, openness in all spheres of life, trustworthiness, Respect for one another, companionship and real friendship. It was clear that, the life is best lived in marriage😍😍.
Here is the problem, our nannies took it for granted that every marriage/ relationship is like this one; they built castles in air and all beggars rode in the imaginative world of their “marriage life”. Before we knew it, they worked for 1, 2 years and run for marriage in our nearby villages/ towns. However, It was unfortunate that most of them did not make it in those marriages as expected; most of them run back to Mum for help, counselling and confessed that they thought they would have the same life lived as hers in her home but alas, Life did not become a copy and paste for them.
what do you and I learn from these love birds….?
where is the Magic of love…..?