I wish I knew!!

Gemma Galgani Oyesigye
4 min readApr 30, 2020


Today, is a moment for me to talk about this whole blogging trendy wave, and how I got into it.

I love reading nicely written short scripts call them write ups, stories or blogs are they are termed these days- I am still learning to make mine better😉. I was drawn to love blogging by my two girl friends whose write ups made my days; (I know you two girl friends are connecting with this statement). Reading what they shared would take you into their spheres, to date when you read their blogs, you enjoy every line, you long to go on and on till you realise at the end that it was a blog therefore it can not be longer than what you read.

That’s how I got interested in blogging, though previously I knew it as a trend for slayers till I started school and one of the assignments for every month was and it is still a minimum of two blogs per month. It is then that I realised that blogging entails more than just telling stories to actually making money as you sell yourself out to the world.

But I wish I knew that…..

  1. It is hard work

Thinking, rethinking is the game in blogging. Putting your head to full function while writing, is the engine to bringing out what exactly you are communicating. whoever is reading wants to have a real taste of your package with more appetite to taste more and more.

2. It is this demanding!

Blogging takes you into researching more about the topics to discuss or share about. If I take an example of this challenge; Like I shared yesterday, simple topics become hard to put into context when ones decides to write. Mr google must come in handy, reading books is important, reading other peoples’ blogs that feed into your interest/ passion, being informed with current affairs and all that is trending, being observant and alert about your surrounding- Lutgard Musiime blogged about Occra and it immediately rang a bell in mind how my workmates were competing to drink 2 litres of Occra on a daily basis😃.

3. Internet does not forget!

This week, I was reminded that Internet does not forget. If you want to know this, get onto your Facebook account, it shall bring you memories of 10 years ago, whether good or bad. One lesson I learnt from this statement- my emotions should not be exposed if I can not confidently defend what I will have written after ten years. You shouldn’t put out what you do not believe in, your followers/ readers will be disappointed in you.

4. Time to exercise Language

Blogging welcomes you the way you present your package. Language is either sells you or throws your ideas out of the window. You can decide to be very formal, informal, comic, expressive with the complicated English or the simplest English. You will have audience all the same as long as your cake is well iced for sell.

5. Everyone can blog

At first, I had reservations for blogging because of my mindset- trend for slayers and millennials ; till I discovered that it is meant for everyone to bring out their talents, sell their products, learn to write, learn to connect with the world in a different way, just speak to someone but also speak out your mind on any issue. If you can’t say it, text it!

6. It is never the final copy

Oh I have suffered!, the moment you publish that blog after reading the it several times; it is then that you realise you made a mistake in the language, tense, you wrote heard instead of had😂, you missed an apostrophe or had a long sentence with no meaning to the reader. You end up editing the published story again and again. That’s part of the game, do not worry. keep trying.

7. You can blog about anything

It is up to you, to just write about anything that makes sense to you. what matters is- your main message. whatever crosses your mind can be a good lesson or message for someone out there as long as you beef it up to make sense to that reader.

8. Your Passion is Important

To have more readers or followers, it is good to have a clear direction of your blogs. This would mean that you become a reference for those who seek any information in your expertise. It can also mean, you satisfying your heart’s desire before seeking attention from anyone.

9. Having no comment hurts

Every time I get back onto my account, and I do not find any comment, my head wonders whether anyone read whatever I posted or not. Secondly, Medium sends my monthly status of number of views for each post; I did not know that it would bring a questionable feeling, having some topics viewed most compared to others. But well, I still have to share, nit is a learning ground.

10. The more you share the more the Views

Two of my great friends share their blog links on every forum we share on watsapp. I had always wondered why they did so till I realised that the more you share the more people read your blog. So, sharing is the trick for more and more views.

It is good to keep it short and Interesting. Readers never want to take a lot of time on just one blog. Keep it short like a mini skirt but long enough to cover the subject matter.



Gemma Galgani Oyesigye
Gemma Galgani Oyesigye

Written by Gemma Galgani Oyesigye

A social Protection specialist, wife, mother, a Trainer a Realist, a writer, a leader who believes in only YOU being the change YOU want to see

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