I Miss my Freedom!!!
This challenge has really gotten me thinking beyond my nose. Simple topics make my head run all over to put in context what to write about, but well, at the end of the day, I have to share something.
Day 11/21 Ugblogmonth Challenge asks me to write something I miss
One thing I miss, is being pampered and “spoilt” by my parents. I have shared my story before but just to remind you; we were born seven children in my family- Five boys and two girls. I am the forth born after three boys, I believe to date that they were super excited, happy, very blessed and grateful to God for the gift of a girl child. My surname tells it too- Amumpaire (God has given me); In away this shows how their prayer was answered. From the day I kissed the coldness of this world, I was loved; I was pampered enough by my parents that my brothers at one point got tired of caring about me in my childhood as they felt that Dad and Mum loved me more than them. I miss being carried to my bed every time I slept in the living room, at the dinning and wherever I would be. I miss the Christmas shopping they used to do for us- New clothes, shoes and Kodak moments for every Christmas. I was pampered but also prepared to face the world without looking back.
One more thing I miss now is freedom to move wherever I want to go. 2020 a.k.a Twenie twenie is a year I will never forget in my life. Being an extrovert and outgoing, I have felt the pinch of this Quarantine. I sincerely miss Meeting up with friends with whom I learn a lot, laugh aloud without being judged, dance/ shade off my feathers without fear, pray, talk talk and talk, celebrate the simple achievements - Blessed Women of Faith, Team 51, LIBETO, Historicals, Rock family, Friends Forever and Companions among others, I miss having a physical mass on Sundays, Weekly Fellowships on Tuesday at Christ the King and Wednesday at St. Charles Lwanga- Magnificat Community, I miss my travels as it is part of my job but also a hobby. I miss freedom to meet my parents, siblings, in- laws, relatives and my workmates. I miss our outings, dinners and moments of fun out of home. Life is like a prison; God knows how I long to see a free and normal world again. God free us again, we have learnt our lessons, give us a second chance.