Do you have a Watch??
“Time is money”, a quotation by Benjamin Franklin is known by both the learned and unlearned but has it ever made sense to you?
Recently, I started attending class in which when you come a minute beyond the arrival and registration time, you pay a fine of $6 and when you intentionally or unintentionally choose not to attend Class or leave before the end of class time, you pay a fine of $13 in addition to buying an audio CD of the class missed at $13. Yes, it was out of my usual routine to hear such for a class I chose to attend as an adult but well, to the institute, this was really done is good spirit to make us responsible with time management and serious with the Course since Africans especially Ugandans have enough time with no watches.
As I reflected upon the whole issue of fines, I remembered so many scholars who have highlighted that to be wealthy, you need three things; An Idea, People and Money. I realised most companies, organisations, businesses, societies, entities and individuals would make a lot of money if they were to be as strict as this Institute. But also on the other side of the coin, we/they lose a lot of money due to failure to respect Time.
Last year, my friends and I went to Europe for a mission and on arrival, we were given a clear time table indicating how our days and weeks would look like in terms of activities (This is an expectation of every person if you are to achieve a certain goal- The Law of design in application as stated by John Maxwell). To ensure that we are on time, the host went ahead to ring a bell 5 minutes before time for meals and departure wherever we would be going, so we may not be late.
One evening, time for dinner came and two members delayed to come to the dinner table but we went ahead, prayed and started dinning . Before we could leave the dining table, a chat around time keeping cropped up. Members shared experiences but what Caught my attention was our host’s comment as he said that in Europe, it is well known that AFRICANS have the TIME and EUROPEANS have the WATCHES.
It indeed rang a bell in my mind, it is very true back in my country, that’s why it is “official” that when a meeting is scheduled for 8:00 am, participants start to arrive at 9:00 am and just in case there are expected guest speakers, they will arrive at Midday. The meeting that was supposed to end within 3 hours, it takes a whole day.
It is 2020 a.k.a “tweeny tweeny”, it is time to be intentional after being aware of yourself and learn to be consistent if you want to grow holistically. John Maxwell in his book, The 15 invaluable Laws of Growth, He states that Growth doesn’t just happen, you must be intentional, know yourself and be disciplined. But because we have a lot of time on us without the watches growth is a snail journey like in our lives.
we have waited for growth in our beds as the set alarm rings and you snooze it to sleep more and be late for work/ appointments with smart excuses.
Glory to God, some of us have grown in positions which have given us a sense of “arrival-ism” hence forth we arrive at office or for meetings an hour after others have finished the first round of breakfast. Do you have a watch?
Due to carried forward activities and deadlines amidst social engagements, most people get back home after 9:00 pm, entering bed is midnight; the body has rested less hence forth carried forward fatigue, low sleep, life style diseases.
And because the African solace is found in churches, some preachers take advantage of the moment; that services/fellowships which are programmed for an hour or two end up taking 5 hours. Yes, we have the time . why are you wearing that watch?
Think about weddings and other functions/ ceremonies, a card will read 4:00 pm and the invited guests will arrived at 5:00 pm. what is the biggest problem here….?- The mind set about time management
Make appointments with some people who even wear expensive watches, some will not have a courtesy of informing you an hour before the agreed time that they will be delayed; my friend, you need an intro-inspection this year, make use of that watch.
In whatever position God has entrusted you with, what example are you giving to your spouse, children,team, family members, community and your associates….“When you manage your time as a part of you, then it’s when you take a step towards managing yourself.” -Shivam Baghele