Come back Honey!

Gemma Galgani Oyesigye
4 min readJan 7, 2021


Having a best friend in a parent is the best gift one can get from God. Recently, I spent a week without making a phone call to mum and when we finally talked, she shared this story which caught my attention. Her message was very clear to me at the end of it. She was just missing me!. Pick your own lesson especially if you are in a serious relationship/marriage.

One day, a wife to one of the “model couples” in one of the churches woke up early morning and started moving up and about in the house, room after another in search of something that she wasn’t able to speak out. The phone hooked hubby later got concerned, and asked whether he would be of help in discovering the unknown lost item.

The woman didn’t respond to him but kept searching. Closets were emptied, suitcases opened wide, bed drawers pulled out and books opened all in the name of searching for the lost item. The hubby could hardly step out of the house as the wife was so serious with uncontrollable tears rolling down her cheeks. He insisted and asked. What are you looking for that has become so hard for you to find after all this time of searching and turning everything upside down in the house…?

On realizing that she didn’t give him attention,he came closer, softly held her with concern, asked her once again to speak, so he could be of help. Sighing heavily, the heart broken wife says; “I am searching for our first love!”. Boommmmmmmmm!!!!. Confused, puzzled but rather guilty hubby looks in wonder. Is this the reason she couldn’t rest as she searched….? Can love be kept in the house? as he went on to marvel, Looking direct in his eyes, the troubled wife went ahead to speak to him; You loved me with all your heart, treated me like a queen, minded about the little things in our relationship so we may stay inline all the time. You cared for me and our children as a hubby and a responsible Father. Everything about me and you were an open book, shared every good and sad moment; which made everyone in our lives wish they were a couple like us. We prayed together as a family, had clear financial targets, worked together towards one family purpose and really saw our future in the same lens.

We were marriage partners bound by love not the legality we went through. We read from the same spiritual, financial, sexual/ intimate and parenting script. Intimate partners that had no room for any other person, Financial partners who budgeted all our incomes together, Life partners who updated each other on our whereabouts no matter the time. Parenting partners who agreed and instilled values in our children. We had our family secrets but didn’t block each other through passwords on our gadgets.
We all respected, valued, cared and honored each other.

But now, each of us has their lane; life is all about individual happiness, we are leaving as house mates- seen outside as a couple but physically, emotionally and intimately deep inside us not connected. You no longer work towards protecting us as a couple and family, you find fulfillment in other social media relationships-oh, it reminds me of the too much security you offer to your phone so i may not access it. Even though we are here in the house, your thoughts are always on your phone- chatting, making endless calls with people whom you have decided to even save with funny names so I may not suspect anything. I have struggled for as long as I can’t recall, shared with you my feelings about all this but all has been in Vain. while you used to be sensitive to our spiritual and emotional struggles as a couple, this time round, all your senses seem to have either been muted or they died.

This is the reason I have woken up searching this house so I may get to that hidden place where you could have placed our 1st love. I miss it, I miss the lovely man I married, I miss the real Father of our children, I miss the God fearing man I married. The special gift I received from God on the day we said I Do….the man who said sorry even when he wasn’t guilty for the sake of peace, my sweet hubby who promised to listen to me, I do miss all we enjoyed.

Holding him tight, she calls upon her hubby- Come back home honey, Let us fix us. Let us be partners once again, our marriage is being left to dogs, the devil is dancing at the tunes of the crushing marriage.

I am told, the husband couldn’t hold it longer but proposed to have a weekend in a serene place of her choice so they would talk through their journey to fixing their marriage.

Questions to you the marrieds,

what do you learn from this story?

Are you still on track in your marriage?

Are you enjoying the sweet things, the marriage partnership you had in your first five years of marriage or you have a litany of explanations?

Please, Come back home!



Gemma Galgani Oyesigye

A social Protection specialist, wife, mother, a Trainer a Realist, a writer, a leader who believes in only YOU being the change YOU want to see