Best Relationship Advice!
Such topics are very simple, but very hard to write about. I can not be the best person here to give the best relationship piece of advice; not even the professional counsellors have given the best advice. we only give or receive ideas from people we talk to, the books we read, movies we watch, seminars/ retreats we attend, church Masses/ services / fellowships we attend, the songs we listen to in which we pick what works for us. That makes the best advice for me and you.
I will just try out poetry skills that I am still nurturing….You can pick what works for you.
Relationships, Relationships
Oh Relationships!
What a sensitive topic,
A topic that makes both men and women’s ears alert, like a rabbit sensing danger
Danger that drains the emotions before it gets close.
Oh relationships
What a sweet experience when it is God’s Chosen?!
What a bleeding experience when it is human chosen?!
What an awesome experience if it is with a genuine friend?!
What a worst experience if it is with a masked up snake?!
Oh Relationships
Where everyone has a different experience
Experiences that give a different view of it
Experiences that have triggered some people, want to forget about relating
Experiences that have made others discover ,that they wouldn’t manage life without a relationship.
Oh relationships
Where Religion affiliations matter but love blind folds us, and we assume there will be a consensus at one point
And sometimes Religion doesn’t matter
Where praying from the same church isn’t enough
Where even being in the same ministry / choir/ movement in church isn’t enough
Where Culture sometimes matters
Where culture sometimes does not matter…
Oh relationships
Where Love has worked
Where commitment has worked
Where Submission has worked
Where positive attitude has worked
Where Children have made it work
Where witchcraft has “worked” for some people
Oh relationships
Which are most attacked by the evil one
Most attacked by selfishness of each partner
Most attacked by lack of Money
Most attacked by friends
Most attacked by relatives
Most attacked by Egos
Most attacked by lack of/ faked commitment
Oh relationships
Did you know ? Did you know that…
One piece of advice doesn’t work for all…..
One who seeks counsel wants it in his/her favour…
People have read, explored and written about relationships but it is still a topic of research
Some people have been maintained them for public show off
Some People have stayed in relationships for social acceptance
Did you know that……
People will tell you to talk, talk and talk?!
Relate with a friend
Date for enough time
Do back ground check
Respect each others personality
Feed and love his/her relatives
Give whatever you can to have it work
Only to realise that these work for some people
And others still do not get the best out of it.
Did you know that…..
Recently Man cannot be defined by roles in any relationship ?
Roles Change any time but Purpose does not ?
Every role a man performs a woman can ?
A man is defined by his purpose ?
Only purpose, is the reason men exist in women’s lives ?
Women’s life purpose is to support a man, achieve his purpose ?
Did you know that….
Defining your purpose on earth sets you apart?
what you do with your life defines your purpose?
Failure to disclose your purpose means, you are not ready for commitment?
You must cultivate your purpose?
You have to be consistent whatever you want to achieve?
Did you know that…..
Usually one party has to fight for a relationship, when it has gone bad?
You need take everything in prayer?
People have had sleepless nights of prayer for restoration?
You have not prayed enough?
God’s ears are wide open as they await your prayers?
Prayer, Prayer, Prayer…!
Prayer maintains good relationships!
Prayer Moves Mountains!
Prayer changes situations!
Prayers sets us free!
Prayer Gives us peace!
Prayer transforms!
Prayer gives direction!
Prayer Heals and restores!
Prayer Saves us from a bad relationship!