20 Facts about Me!!!

Gemma Galgani Oyesigye
7 min readApr 20, 2020


DAY TWO- UgblogMonth Challenge

The Princess!!!

To be truthful, I felt like asking every friend of mine to come up with 2 facts about me so I may get what to write about. However, this reminded me of; one the essential skills in life is-self awareness and I believe this challenge is slapping my left cheek so I may open my eyes to real self and either appreciate it or work on some areas I am not happy about.

  1. I love God with all my heart, my mind, my soul and all about me is all about God. He is my strength, my stronghold, my miracle worker, my shelter, shield, my portion, my provider and most of all He is my Father and I am His princess. I run to Him all the time of my life because he Knows my name, He hears when I call and answers.
  2. I am a great Intercessor. I personally do not know how I do it but God who gave me that gift works in me to stand in the gap for those He chooses. Like writing, I have learned how to pray and Only faith has brought all my prayers from the spiritual realm to reality. The grace is enough for me to pray for a full night without winking if it is meant to be.

3. I love to sing for the lord. I love and do a lot of praise and worship; This brings healing, fulfilment, courage and strong connection with my Father deep within me. A case in a point I do minister with Christ the King worship team Kampala, Blessed Women of Faith and Magnificat Community Worship team Ntinda. when it comes to Singing and praising God, food can wait because I also know that man doesn’t live on bread alone.

4. I love smart people: Naturally I get attracted to a smartly dressed person. As long as you are smart, you will hear a hey from me. Smart people sweep me off the ground. To some friends of mine who may have the I don’t care attitude about dressing, I work hard to make them appreciate smartness and Yes, I have seen them change.

That adventurous Circle of friends that Challenge me daily!

5. Number 4 brings me to my crush on people with beautiful brains. When I meet someone new, I am always eager to listen to them speak as I gauge how they see the world they are in and how they relate with what they are speaking. I always want to know why they think the way they think; their response will either make me want to ask for their business cards or just let them pass. I do love people who challenge me.

6. I love honest, faithful, selfless, trustworthy people. I do try to be as honest as possible. The day I sense dishonesty in you, I take fives steps behind out of our friendship. This obviously will affect the whole system of connection and referrals just in case I am supposed to.

7. I am the 1st girl though the 4th born in my family and this put me in a position of an achiever for I had to be a good example to my siblings but also to the girl child in my village because most of parents in my village didn’t not believe in educating a girl child. I was the 1st girl in my clan (both Paternal and Maternal ) to attain a bachelor's degree and thanks be to God even the second degree as I look forward to the third one. This made me Career Oriented and focused on achieving what my heart wants. If we shared a bench for 20 minutes, you wouldn’t miss knowing how I love career women. My Dad did a good job to empower me while I grew up and Mum always said, “I believe in you Gemma!”.

One of the random travels to Europe

8. I love travelling and visiting Nice places. I will not mind spending the little I have for a ticket to just travel to a country I have dreamt of. I will speak of a place and the year of visit and Yes that year will not pass before I drink a cup of tea in that very country. For nice places around Uganda, it is just a few that I haven’t visited and only because I have not prioritised them.

9. I love to be challenged so that I find solutions especially in my field of study and interest. It doesn’t matter how long it takes me but I must get a solution either through reading or friends or friends.

10. when I love, I love. Oh I love My family. Nothing will separate me from loving them. I also Love my friends for I know and believe that God brings people in my life for a purpose and that purpose is to love them, pray and support them in whichever way possible to live a life God desires them to live. Yes, for some people, my purpose their lives has been accomplished while others just go prematurely but all the same, God will surely show those to maintain and those to let go

11. Oh I love dancing. Dancing to music to me is like cold water flowing down a thirsty throat. while I largely love to listen to Gospel Music, dancing brings in an aspect of all kinds of music. Just like an overnight, I can dance till morning, do not ask me where I get that energy.

12. I am called to leadership; this was groomed from childhood and even when I didn’t choose to stand for any post in school, I would be appointed by the administration. This has followed me that I find myself being a voice for people around me; I will stand to speak out when everyone has chosen to run away from that very issue.

13. I love living a good life, having good things around me, going for the best hairstyle in a nice salon, have my nails intact, nice Jewellery, nice bags, shoes, change my closet regularly without being extravagant and spending on myself a.k.a giving a treat to self.

14. I do not love food, I eat because I have to survive. I hope this will improve with time as I intentionally choose to love cooking and eating for sake of my family and children.

15. I now enjoy reading and just because I chose to improve my reading culture. I am attending a class that tasks me to read two books every month- this is a serious stretch to me who has struggled for years to read just a book for six months. I am glad I challenged myself to join this class.

16. I love gifts and I love to give gifts. Though I must be inspired to give out a gift. Here my hubby knows the right button to press.

My best friend says!!!

17. My love language is primarily words of affirmation accompanied by gifts. A love language is an expression of how one would want to be best loved. Lately I am realising that Acts of service could take over gifts soonest.

18. Most of my friends say that I present a face of a no nonsense/ hard person. while as I know that when I stand for something, it would be hard for one to convince me otherwise, I am easy to influence as long as you sell your cake the best way that the icing isn’t doubt-able.

19. I love to stand with my friends in all situations. Because of this, I have found my self being looked out for a word of encouragement, counsel, prayer, support and for any thoughts about the issues at hand.

20. I realist. I believe life doesn’t just happen; it is largely determine by me or you. That’s why I mean business wherever I am because I am not sure about tomorrow. If it time for prayers- pray, If it is time to party- party till you are tired, if you are to love- love till it hurts, if you are give- give withholding nothing, if you are to let go- do not look back.

And a friend writes about me!



Gemma Galgani Oyesigye
Gemma Galgani Oyesigye

Written by Gemma Galgani Oyesigye

A social Protection specialist, wife, mother, a Trainer a Realist, a writer, a leader who believes in only YOU being the change YOU want to see

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